Vomit Femdom

Vomit Femdom | Forced to swallow

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Puking does not just happen to people who are sick. It is also something that is taught and this mistress wanted to teach this guy how to puke. She wanted him to learn a lot of things as well such as gagging himself, making someone swallow puke and much more. The guy was interested in it but he did not like the part where he was used for demonstration purposes.

Lady Domi and lady Kimi wanted to torture this neighbor because he was a pain in their ass. He made noise for them, he was always doing things which affected them without consulting them and he inconvenienced them a lot. So today the mistresses invited him to their house where he was made to drink their vomit after they had gagged themselves. He learned never to mess with them again.

This mistress expected this guy to eat her pussy as well as she had sucked his dick but he disappointed her badly. She could not hide her disappointment and she used her puked on him to punish and humiliate him. He had to learn how to lick a pussy if he wanted his dick sucked. And since he could not lick her, she made him drink her puke and she felt they were even.

Mistresses Tink and Cassie are not your average girls. They like reliable and dependable people and this guy promised to be that for them and he got that from them too. But he turned out to be a fraud and the mistresses tortured him with their puke by making him to drink it all. He felt like puking and he indeed puked but it was mixed with theirs and he had to drink it all again.

Mistress Xue spent a lot of money on gourmet food from this chef and it ended up being food she did not like or want. And she had to express her displeasure at it all and she did it with her vomit. She puked out what she had eaten and she forced the chef to also get a taste of the vomit and then told him that was how his food tasted.

Goddess Yi wanted to quit her job but she knew it would not teach her boss a lesson so she chose to do something that would teach him a lesson. The mistress cornered her boss in his office and she puked on him after she tripped him and he fell down and she gagged herself to puke on him. He was shocked at what she did and she told him why before she quit.

When her husband cheated, this mistress knew she had found a way to try puke fetish. She was angry at him and she wanted to kill two birds with one stone. She wanted to punish him and at the same time try vomit femdom. So she made a scene and she puked on him and forced him to swallow all of it and smeared the rest all over his body.

When this mistress found out that her husband had cheated on her, she confronted him about it. He tried to deny and give her stories but his account of things was not adding up and she was sick to her stomach. She then went ahead and she puked on him. She had not planned to do it but when she felt like throwing up because of what he had done and how nauseating he was to her, she puked on him and it was his punishment.

This mistress wanted to try vomit femdom but she did not feel like puking. And today she had a golden chance to do it as this guy had messed up and he needed to be punished. Now that she did not feel like puking and it was her method of choice, she chose to gag herself in order to make herself puke. And when she finally did, she vomited on his face.

These mistresses hate rumor mongers. They were therefore shocked when they learned that this guy was spreading false information about them. They did not like the rumors that the guys were spreading and they chose to punish him. They laid a trap for him and when he took the bait, they vomited on him. He wondered why they were doing that to him and they told him about the rumors. He kept quiet and took the punishment in silence.

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