Vomit Femdom

Vomit Femdom | Forced to swallow

All articles tagged with "Puking"

When this guy messed with this mistress, he had no idea what sort of punishment he was going to be put through. The mistress turned the guy into a shit and puke eater and he had to eat her shit and when he was done, she made him wash it all down with her puke. The guy never messed with her again as he feared what she would do to him.

This nurse was not comfortable with the way this patient was making passes at her. She had to come up with a way to make sure she scared him so that he never did that again. She waited until he was better and she gagged herself and she puked on him. She laughed at him as she watched him drink her vomit and she told him to stop bothering her if he wanted her to stop.

This guy spanked this mistress and thought she liked it but she did not. And she did not want him to do that again so she punished him like he had never been punished again. The cruel mistress used her puke to teach him never to do that again. He was shocked by what she did as he had thought that she liked it. But he never spanked anyone again after that.

When her husband cheated, this mistress knew she had found a way to try puke fetish. She was angry at him and she wanted to kill two birds with one stone. She wanted to punish him and at the same time try vomit femdom. So she made a scene and she puked on him and forced him to swallow all of it and smeared the rest all over his body.

This mistress hated the guts that her college classmate had. He was a vile guy and he always found a way to rub her the wrong way. She ended up humiliating him and making him learn a lesson the hard way. So she gagged herself and she puked on him today when he pissed her off. She was fed up and it was time he learned that she would not take his nonsense anymore.

When this mistress found out that her husband had cheated on her, she confronted him about it. He tried to deny and give her stories but his account of things was not adding up and she was sick to her stomach. She then went ahead and she puked on him. She had not planned to do it but when she felt like throwing up because of what he had done and how nauseating he was to her, she puked on him and it was his punishment.

This mistress is an actress and she felt that her agent was not trying hard enough to get her a job. She was frustrated with him and the anger boiled over today and she made him drink her vomit. He had no choice but to do it and it made him get scared of her. He then prioritized her and got her something that she liked. The punishment had worked.

Lady Domi and her friend bought a lot of alcohol for this guy and he drank it and he was wasted. He thought they were being nice to him and that they liked him and his company. But the truth was that they wanted to have fun at his expense and also conduct an experiment. So once he was wasted, they puked on him and had him drink their vomit before they cleaned him up before he got sober and he did not remember much of what had happened.

This mistress was fed up with how her professor picked on her and she did not want it to happen again. She had to find a way to make the professor respect her and she did this by gagging herself and puking on him when they remained alone in the class after the lesson was over. He was shocked and he wondered why she did it. She told her and he never picked on her again.

These drunk mistresses were not thinking straight as their driver led them to the house. When they got to the house, they started making him do crazy things as he wanted to leave and since they were drunk, one of them accidentally puked on him. They liked it and the other one gagged herself and did the same. And they forced him to drink their vomit. It was disgusting but he did it.

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