Vomit Femdom

Vomit Femdom | Forced to swallow

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This mistress wanted to prove to this guy that she was kinky. He told her she was too nice and there was nothing that could happen between the two of them. The mistress felt bad and she set out to prove him wrong. She taped herself gagging herself and puking into a cup. She then drank it and proceeded to jerk off and even use a dildo to show her how bad a bitch she was.

These mistresses hate rumor mongers. They were therefore shocked when they learned that this guy was spreading false information about them. They did not like the rumors that the guys were spreading and they chose to punish him. They laid a trap for him and when he took the bait, they vomited on him. He wondered why they were doing that to him and they told him about the rumors. He kept quiet and took the punishment in silence.

This mistress is a dirty and nasty girl sexually. She loves all manner of nasty fetishes and today she wanted to be fucked in the ass. But this guy did not want to do it. She was pissed at his refusal because she was giving him a golden chance to fuck her golden ass. She punished him by gagging herself with a dildo and puking on him. She asked him to lick and to swallow her puke.

Mistress Betty felt that she needed to have a break. She had tried all she could but her boyfriend did not want to see things from her side. She was forced to do what she did not want to do because that was the only way she felt she would get him to do what she wanted. So the mistress gagged herself and puked on her boyfriend and got him to see things from her perspective.

This mistress was not impressed by her slave's slowness. She wanted a quick slave and she tortured him for it. She invited her friend to watch what she wanted to do to him. She vomited on the slave after gagging herself. On seeing her puke, her friend also threw up and she incidentally threw up on the slave. It was not planned but it added to the humiliation of the slave.

When this mistress noticed that her husband was hiding things from her, she was afraid that he was having an affair or planning to leave her. She had to know all that was going on and she went about it the cruel way. She forced him to drink her urine as well as her vomit. She puked into his mouth and the poor husband drank it all. He was forced to tell her all he had kept from her.

This mistress made out with her boyfriend and he was ready to fuck him when he called her another girl's name. She was so angry at him that she made him drink her urine. But that was not all. She gagged herself and she vomited on the poor guy. He was paying his mistake and he wished he had not done that as instead of fun, he was now going through hell.

This slave was forgetful and this mistress was tired of always having to remind her of what to do, when and why. She wanted him to take initiative and remember things. She had never punished him before so she made the first time cruel. She spat on him and she got him to lick it. She then gagged herself and made him drink her vomit. She pissed on him before she left his room.

When it comes to teaching guys a cruel lesson, this mistress takes the honors. Today she was teaching her friend how to do it and she started her off with puke fetish. She showed her friend how to gag herself and then vomit on the slave or whoever she was punishing. She forced the guy to drink the vomit and she also peed on him. The guy had no choice but to do as instructed.

When this mistress noticed that this loser was not doing the things that she had asked him to do, she felt that he was being insubordinate. She could not put up with such a slave so she punished him with the help of her friends. The mistresses ganged up on him and they made him drink their puke. He was vomited on and his entire body was covered in puke.

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